transform: the nerve events project

various artists


1993 CD



steve maclean / nerve 4

neil rolnick / nerve us

iconoclast / salvation

doug gourlay / a little ditty

philip strong / patent pending

greg anderson / weeping like a bathtub

frank pahl / columbus on guadeloupe

mark howell / greens

jason willett / the escape

steve maclean / nerve 3

tom erbe / slimpering toward algoma

ted apel / venation division

thomas dimuzio / never steven

george lowe / mark jenkins gets his

henry kaiser / got that nerve

iconoclast / damnation

yves duboin / packed like eggs

dave douglas / balkanization

bruno meillier / de tout pour faire un monde

judy klein / 88" for nick

henry kaiser / nerve that got

henry lowengard / sublime message no. 4

marc wagnon / eventually nerve

larry polansky and ray guillette / four voice canon #8 (nerve canon)

robert marsanyi / context